Last year, CPSE and Metro partnered to develop a series highlighting proven practices of Metro departments accredited by CPSE’s Commission on Fire Accreditation International. Each case study focuses on a particular topic and outlines the opportunity the agency faces, the actions they took, the outcomes of their efforts, and provides tips for replication.

During the June 2023 Metro Fire Chiefs Conference, CPSE announced the release of the first set of case studies focusing on a Culture of Cooperation, Use of Data, and Pre-Fire Planning. All case studies are now available for the entire fire and emergency services as one of CPSE University’s Resource Libraries.

During the conference in Columbus, OH, CPSE’s CEO, Preet Bassi, moderated a panel with chiefs from three of the department’s included in the Proven Practices series. Chief Ernest Malone, CFO, discussed the Indianapolis Fire Department Injury Treatment and Rehabilitation Program, Chief Jim Robinson, CFO, shared the Greensboro Fire Department Vulnerability Assessment Program, and Chief Sam Pena highlighted Houston Fire Department’s Data Driven Fleet Replacement. 


CPSE and Metro Chiefs have committed to continuing the project with future releases of case studies on new topics.