Can I align the renewal dates if I have multiple designations?
Yes, but only during the renewal process.
Learn more about how to get credentialed, or contact us to chat about the credentialing process.
Do I get a discount for combining my designations?
Not exactly. Once you decide to align the renewal dates for your multiple designations, the first one to renew will require a full three-year renewal payment. If the other designations have a different renewal date, those renewal fees will be prorated to align.
Learn more about how to get credentialed, or contact us to chat about the credentialing process.
What if I have multiple designation with the same renewal date do I get a discount?
No, the renewal fee will be full payment for all designations with the same renewal date.
Learn more about how to get credentialed, or contact us to chat about the credentialing process.
If I have three or more designations, can I only align two of them?
No, all designations must be aligned at the same time.
Learn more about how to get credentialed, or contact us to chat about the credentialing process.
Once I align my designations can I separate them later?
No, once aligned they will remain aligned.
Learn more about how to get credentialed, or contact us to chat about the credentialing process.
When I align my designations what date will be used as my renewal date?
Once you align your designations, they will all renew on the date you aligned the renewals.
Learn more about how to get credentialed, or contact us to chat about the credentialing process.