The Fire and Emergency Services Self-Assessment Model (FESSAM) is the cornerstone of the agency accreditation process. The Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) does not set standards, the Commission develops and approves a model of agency self-assessment that digs into the core of the agency and assures that the processes and programs typically found within a credible organization are being applied and measured.
The FESSAM has been used for agency accreditation since the inception of the CFAI process. The FESSAM is routinely updated to assure currency and compliance with today’s fire and emergency service trends and regulations. Exhaustive research is completed each time the FESSAM is updated to ensure the self-assessment model remains at the leading edge of industry.
Today’s FESSAM (11th Edition) contains 250 individual performance indicators that help to define the agency’s compliance. Eleven separate categories focus these performance indicators into specific criterion. In the end, an agency seeking CFAI accreditation will have described and appraised every aspect of their organization. When program gaps are identified, a plan for improvement is developed. All performance measurements are supported with up-to-date reference material.
Once completed, the agency’s written responses to the model’s performance indicators is submitted for review. This manual of information details the agency’s numerous operations, legal documents, and those anticipated performance outcomes the community has identified as a priority for the agency to address.
A team of trained fire service professionals representing the broad range of fire departments recognized in the CFAI process takes considerable time and effort to verify and validate that the agency’s responses meet or exceed the stringent CFAI performance measures. The documents become a working plan for the improvement of the agency. Every critical aspect of the agency is documented for future reference.