Without volunteers, what CPSE does would simply not be possible. We appreciate the hours that everyone gives towards the missions of Accreditation, Credentialing and Education. You can read more about the opportunities below, and if you are interested, get in touch with us!
Team Leaders and Peer Assessors play a very important role in assisting agencies in appearing before the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) for their accreditation hearing. This is not only a great way to give back and help your peers, it is also a great learning opportunity to see what others are doing. In 2023, our volunteers went on 79 site visits contributing a total of 44,208 volunteer hours.
Peer Reviewers for the Commission on Professional Credentialing (CPC) are a critical component in the credentialing process. In 2023, CPC had 254 volunteers that conducted 1,072 reviews for a total of 4,154 volunteer hours. The success of the CPC would not be possible without all their help and support.
Board and Commissions
The members of the Board of Directors, Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI), and the Commission on Professional Credentialing (CPC) are critical in supporting and carrying out CPSE’s mission of leading the fire and emergency service to excellence through the continuous improvement process of accreditation, credentialing, and education.
Consortium Coordinators
Consortium Coordinators volunteer countless hours bringing together individuals interested in accreditation and/or credentialing for networking and education opportunities. Visit the CPSE Consortiums webpage for information on the consortium in your region.