This course features three full days of instruction to help agencies prepare for accreditation under the 10th edition of the CFAI® model. It covers the development of the three key documents, the Community Risk Assessment/Standards of Cover, Strategic Plan, and Self-Assessment Manual.
- The Quality Improvement for the Fire and Emergency Services Publication & student workbook
- 24 hours of instruction from experienced accreditation instructors
- In-class exercises to reinforce key points of instruction
- Introduction to online resources that will support your department’s accreditation efforts
- Multiple opportunities to engage and network with your peers
- The steps in the self-assessment process, from building a team to becoming an accredited agency
- The key elements of the accreditation process:
- Creating planning zones for your response area
- Establishing a risk assessment process
- Applying the risk assessment process to your response area
- Developing a critical tasking process
- Determine needed resources for fire and non-fire risks
- Assess current deployment practices and establish target performance goals
- Develop response performance data
- Key elements of a Strategic Plan
- How to create a self-assessment manual
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