Some agencies find they need a gentle nudge as they work through their accreditation process. To meet this need, CPSE established the Technical Advisor Program (TAP). Led by experienced accreditation peer assessors, TAP can provide your agency expert guidance and coaching as you develop the required accreditation documents.
We believe if you “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Rather than doing the work for you, TAP becomes part of your accreditation team, and will provide your agency the tools to internalize continuous quality improvement and achieve excellence.
We offer five different types of facilitation to help you on your accreditation journey:
- Community-Driven Strategic Plan
- Community Risk Assessment and Standards of Cover
- Self-Assessment Document
- Total Self-Assessment Process
- Stakeholder-Centered Innovation
Ready to have TAP be part of your team? Contact us to request a quote.
Want to learn more? Read on…
The CPSE Difference
As a part of the Center for Public Safety Excellence, TAP places great importance on thorough preparation for each project including:
- A clear understanding of your agency’s background, goals, and objectives, and the complex issues you are facing,
- A work plan that is comprehensive, well-designed, and provides ample opportunity for stakeholder input, and
- Sufficient resources and a commitment to successfully complete the project within the desired time frame at a reasonable cost.
We use contemporary methods and enlist energetic and positive individuals to help facilitate your agency’s work. Our advisors personalize their approach and garner candid feedback from stakeholders while putting stakeholders at ease.